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Letter from the Board President – March 2022

Dear GlobalSkin Members, 

I can’t believe how time has quickly passed so far in 2022! GlobalSkin has been very busy continuing to build a supported, engaged, and inclusive Member community. All while raising awareness of dermatological conditions and building a diverse and sustainable organization. To support our Members, GlobalSkin offered a second round of the GlobalSkin Member Impact Fund with 10 grants available for dermatology projects supporting patient-led initiatives. We are committed to the success of our member organizations. 

In just the first Quarter of this year alone, we have accomplished so much. We launched a survey to capture your insights and feedback about your GlobalSkin experience. This crucial information will allow us to shape GlobalSkin's new strategic plan and future programming for the next 3-5 years. Your experience is very important to us as we learn how to serve you and your communities better. Collaborating with member communities has helped us to unite our members' voices. This includes advancing the development of the GRIDD Project to develop a validated measurement tool for our dermatological conditions. And we are working to influence decision-makers by joining with 56 other organizations representing dermatology, oncology, and other healthcare professionals as a signatory to the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology’s Joint Statement on skin cancer prevention for World Skin Cancer Day. GlobalSkin also successfully achieved “patients’ and consumers’” status with the European Medicines Agency allowing our organization eligibility to be involved in the Agency’s activities. 

Since advocacy and awareness are so closely linked, GlobalSkin is in the process of launching the Global Dermatology Coalition with 15 founding partners. The Coalition’s Charter outlines the guiding principles of the Coalition to improve patient outcomes globally by raising awareness of the impact of dermatological diseases and increasing the healthcare prioritization of these conditions.

We understand that the journey of your skin patients is unique and not always understood, so GlobalSkin is working to share the stories of patients living with Atopic Eczema through a documentary project that illustrates the condition and the impact it has on people’s daily lives. We look forward to unveiling this video series in May and it will be a central part of our 2022 World Atopic Eczema Day campaign. Patient-centricity continues to remain our focus and GlobalSkin knows that sharing patient stories to help raise awareness of dermatological conditions is a critical part of awareness.

As we continue to build on all this momentum, I look forward to seeing all GlobalSkin members at the Annual General Meeting on June 22, 2022. The AGM will be a Members-only event this year as we will be working together on finalizing new bylaws and a five-year strategic plan. We will host a Year in Review Event in September where Members, Partners and Stakeholders will be invited to hear about the organization’s progress this year and plans for 2023. I want to thank our staff and working group members for their time, effort, and commitment in preparation for these important meetings!

Lastly, I want to let you all know how much you are appreciated. It has been a challenging time for us all during the pandemic and your resilience has shown. There is still much to do but collectively we are making great strides. As we move forward together in 2022, our strength lies in our diverse communities building this organization into a unifying voice and building a world where people with dermatological conditions can lead the healthy lives they need and deserve. 


Marc Yale 
GlobalSkin President
