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Letter from the Board President – June 2022

Dear GlobalSkin Members, 

Reflecting on GlobalSkin’s past three months is a bit dizzying as we have accomplished so much as an organization. Even more astounding is the realization that GlobalSkin has celebrated it’s 7-year Anniversary! I recall hearing about a meeting in Vancouver of like-minded dermatology patient organizations uniting to address skin diseases and the issues facing patients around improving awareness and the need for better access to care. I did not attend that initial meeting but knew that this was an initiative in which I needed to take part. 

Since its founding in 2015, GlobalSkin has grown to 193 Members from 65 countries and representing 54 dermatological disease areas. As we grow, we look forward to welcoming even more members from the globe. We continue to seek to understand and address the needs and priorities of our key stakeholders – YOU the members! 

The work that you are doing is incredibly valuable. The Atopic Eczema, RareDERM, and GlobalSkin-Europe Communities have been hard at work with a focus to build the capacity and advance collective advocacy efforts. The GlobalSkin team has been busy as well doing advocacy on your behalf. Our goal of initiating dialogue for better treatment access and care to improve patients’ quality of living came to fruition on May 25th at a side-event we co-hosted during the World Health Assembly in Geneva. Along with the International League of Dermatological Societies (ILDS) and International Alliance of Patient Organizations (IAPO), the event, “Improving Health Outcomes for People Living with Dermatological Diseases Worldwide, included speakers from the World Health Organization and the Tanzanian Health Ministry.  The multi-stakeholder audience included patient leaders, dermatologists, industry and decision-makers, and government representatives. This was a monumental event for GlobalSkin as we publicly announced the formation and launch of the Global Dermatology Coalition

Our work continues with the Global Research on the Impact of Dermatological Diseases (GRIDD) project. This ground-breaking researchon what it’s really like to live with skin conditions around the world, from the perspective of patients, is moving into the next stage. The final GRIDD Psychometric Testing will be taking place in July and August before the new measure is finalized and ready for global data collection in 2023.

I value your engagement with us as we continue to provide the best programs and support possible like educational webinars, a workshop series, and regional member meetings. GlobalSkin understands that people living with dermatological conditions experience so many psychosocial challenges and physical symptoms of their diseases. We are committed to supporting the work of each one of our Members. Your time combined with your input is crucial to our collective success. I was very pleased to see so many Members participate in the GlobalSkin AGM, Board Election, and Strategic Planning Townhall. Your support in moving our organization forward, strengthening our communities, and improving the lives of dermatology patients globally is clear.

I want to thank you for believing in the GlobalSkin mission and for being such a valued contributor to our organization. I’m confident that together we can; Elevate the global dermatology patient voice, Champion the common interests of people affected by dermatological conditions globally, and Unite global dermatology stakeholders to bring about transformative change for patients!


Marc Yale 
GlobalSkin Board President
